Release V 1.0 Advanced Mode/V 1.42 Normal Mode + Status Update


Made minor nerfs to some boss attack patterns; fixed some rare, minor bugs.


Finished attack patterns for area 5, and made minor changes to some attack patterns. 


Now that I'm done with all major additions to this game, I plan on fixing minor bugs for a little while longer. This is likely my last project in Scratch, as I feel I've pushed its limited boundaries as far as I can. I plan on learning Gamemaker Studio 2 at some point. Based on how long it took me to finish advanced mode, it's likely going to be a few months(probably longer) before I actually put out anything major. Until then, game on.

9/5/22 UPDATE: Surprise! I actually am going to use Scratch for my next project, that being Bullet-Hell RPG 2. I've already started work on the story and finding appropriate music for bosses. I decided to go ahead with Scratch because I realized I can use the offline editor instead of the in-browser one; the limits that plagued me before seem to not apply to the offline editor. As a result, I can add many of the features I planned for BHRPG1, but had to scrap due to file size limits. Although this fixes the file size limit issues I had, I unfortunately cannot upload the project to Scratch, and instead will have the .sb3 file available here.


(Normal Mode) BHRPG1 Cosmic Corruption
Aug 27, 2022
(Advanced Mode) BHRPG1 Cosmic Corruption 110 MB
Aug 27, 2022

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