BHRPG2 Update 1.5

-Re-added debug access to the Superboss

-Altered Ending Cutscene

-Reworked Several Final Boss attacks

-Buffed Chaos Fireball(320>350)

-Made Storm Boss Intro attacks more forgiving

-Decreased size of lighting spark projectile(-10%)

-Buffed lightning damage(93>95)

-Storm Boss has shorter transitions in phase two

-Storm Boss final attack is harder

-Guardian shield is now reset when leaving an area by any means

-Changed animation of EX Boss 3 end cutscene

-Put JSAB/Calamity in inspirations section of credits

-Reduced Sorcerer ability cooldown(base 12.5s>10s)

-Zapper enemy has a new design

-Nerfed Final boss HP (15000>12500)

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